Recogine Technology Sdn Bhd

Capture Attention, Amplify Impact: Display Signage Excellence


Digital Signage System

RecoZense is a cutting-edge solution that replaces traditional static displays with dynamic, eye-catching screens capable of showcasing a wide range of content. With RecoZense, you can effortlessly display advertisements, promotions, announcements, event schedules, wayfinding maps, and more. The ability to update content in real-time ensures that your messages are always fresh and relevant, adapting to changing circumstances and keeping your audience informed.
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Capture Attention, Amplify Impact:
Display Signage Excellence


Digital Signage System

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RecoZense is a cutting-edge solution that replaces traditional static displays with dynamic, eye-catching screens capable of showcasing a wide range of content. With RecoZense, you can effortlessly display advertisements, promotions, announcements, event schedules, wayfinding maps, and more. The ability to update content in real-time ensures that your messages are always fresh and relevant, adapting to changing circumstances and keeping your audience informed.

Key Features

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Dynamic Content
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Content Scheduling
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Multilingual Support
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Multi-zone Layouts
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Remote Management


These benefits highlight how digital signage is a versatile and powerful tool for communication, marketing, and enhancing customer experiences across various industries.

Flexibility and Customization
Increased Brand Visibility
Real-Time Information Dissemination
Enhanced Customer Experience
Analytics and Performance Metrics
Increased Revenue
Enhanced Customer Experience
Analytics and Performance Metrics
Increased Revenue
Flexibility and Customization
Increased Brand Visibility
Real-Time Information Dissemination


Costs can vary based on factors like the number of screens, hardware, software, installation, and content creation. It’s important to consider both upfront and ongoing expenses.

Yes, our RecoZense Signage include security features like user authentication, encryption, and secure connections to protect against unauthorized access or tampering

Content is managed using RecoZense Signage that allows users to schedule, upload, and organize content. It can be updated remotely through an internet connection.

RecoZense Signage can display a wide range of content including images, videos, text, live feeds (news, weather), social media feeds, web pages, and interactive elements like touchscreens.

Consider factors such as screen size, resolution, brightness, orientation (portrait or landscape), and the environment where the screen will be installed.

Digital Signage Systems are used in various industries including retail stores, airports, malls, corporate offices, healthcare facilities, restaurants, hotels, educational institutions, and transportation hubs.

The monthly subscription fee is a recurring cost that you pay to use the RecoZense Signage. It covers the use of the software, access to support services, and often includes regular updates and maintenance. The fee may vary based on factors like the number of users, features included, and the size of your organization.

The subscription fee covers the core usage, which includes training, data migration, and configuration. 

You may cancel your subscription at anytime however the payment will not be refunded. 

Connect. Captivate. Communicate

System Architecture


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It can be used in transportation settings such as airports, bus and train stations to display flight and schedule information, as well as to provide wayfinding assistance and safety information.

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It can be used to showcase promotions, new products, and sale items, as well as provide product information and wayfinding assistance.

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Digital signage can be used in hotels, resorts, and restaurants to display menus, event schedules, and wayfinding information, as well as to provide entertainment and other information for guests.

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It can be used in healthcare settings to display important information for patients and visitors, such as wayfinding, wait times, and health and wellness tips.

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Education It can be used in educational institutions to display campus news and events, class schedules, and wayfinding information, as well as to provide educational content and promote student engagement.

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Digital signage can be used in corporate settings to display company news and events, as well as to provide wayfinding information and showcase product or service offerings.


It can be used in transportation settings such as airports, bus and train stations to display flight and schedule information, as well as to provide wayfinding assistance and safety information.


It can be used to showcase promotions, new products, and sale items, as well as provide product information and wayfinding assistance.


Digital signage can be used in hotels, resorts, and restaurants to display menus, event schedules, and wayfinding information, as well as to provide entertainment and other information for guests.


It can be used in healthcare settings to display important information for patients and visitors, such as wayfinding, wait times, and health and wellness tips.


It can be used in educational institutions to display campus news and events, class schedules, and wayfinding information, as well as to provide educational content and promote student engagement.


Digital signage can be used in corporate settings to display company news and events, as well as to provide wayfinding information and showcase product or service offerings.