Recogine Technology Sdn Bhd

Maximize Uptime, Minimize Downtime

RecoTraffic CDA

Advanced Crowd Density Analytics

RecoTraffic CDA is an Advanced Crowd Density Analytics system designed to serve as a platform for businesses and organisations to integrate their CCTV and web cameras, utilising AI algorithm to analyse crowd density. This enables the generation of insights about the crowded movement and crowdedness in their premises.
CDA Banner
Maximize Uptime, Minimize Downtime

RecoSecure CDA

Crowd Demographic Analyser

CDA Banner
RecoSecure CDA is a platform for business and organizations to integrate their CCTV & Web Camera to analyse the crowd demographics by using deep learning algorithm and generating insights about the crowd that is moving around their premise.

Key Features

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Powered by Deep Learning
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Demographic Analytics
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Analytic Engine Management
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Web Dashboard
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Big Data Analyser
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Media Storage Management

Key Features

CDA white icon-02
Powered by Deep Learning
CDA white icon-03
Demographic Analytics
CDA white icon-04
Analytic Engine Management
CDA white icon-05
Web Dashboard
CDA white icon-06
Big Data Analyser
CDA white icon-07
Media Storage Management


Streamline Your Highway Maintenance with Recotraffic MMS – Here’s How We Can Help Highway Concessionaires

CDA Benefit-09
Improved Understanding Of Your Audience
CDA Benefit-10
Increased efficiency
CDA Benefit-11
Data-driven insights
CDA Benefit-12
Cost savings


Streamline Your Highway Maintenance with Recotraffic MMS – Here’s How We Can Help Highway Concessionaires

CDA Benefit-09
Improved Understanding Of Your Audience
CDA Benefit-11
Data-driven insights
CDA Benefit-10
Increased efficiency
CDA Benefit-12
Cost savings


A Crowd Demographic Analyser is a software or system that utilizes various technologies such as computer vision, video analytics, and machine learning to analyze and provide insights about the demographics of a crowd or audience. It can determine characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity, and crowd density.

A Crowd Demographic Analyser works by processing visual data, usually obtained from cameras or video feeds, using advanced algorithms and computer vision techniques. It analyzes the physical attributes and appearance of individuals in the crowd to estimate their age, gender, and ethnicity. It may also employ facial recognition technology or other identification methods to provide more accurate demographic information.

Yes, there can be privacy concerns associated with Crowd Demographic Analysis, especially when it involves capturing and analyzing visual data of individuals in public spaces. It is essential for organizations and businesses to comply with relevant privacy laws and regulations and implement appropriate measures to address privacy concerns. These measures may include obtaining consent, anonymizing data, ensuring secure storage and processing of information, and implementing strict access controls to protect personal identifiable information.

The accuracy of a Crowd Demographic Analyser can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the video feed or images, lighting conditions, camera angles, and the sophistication of the underlying algorithms. While modern systems can achieve reasonably accurate results, it’s important to consider potential limitations and understand that certain demographic characteristics, such as ethnicity, may be more challenging to accurately determine compared to others like age or gender. Continuous improvement and refinement of algorithms and technologies contribute to enhancing accuracy over time.

Some Crowd Demographic Analysers may incorporate facial recognition technology to identify individuals based on their facial features. However, the use of facial recognition raises additional privacy and ethical concerns. It is crucial to comply with legal regulations and obtain proper consent when collecting and processing personal identifiable information.

A Crowd Demographic Analyser typically collects and stores data related to the demographics of a crowd or audience, including age ranges, gender distributions, and possibly ethnicity. The specific data collected may vary depending on the capabilities and configuration of the system. It is important for organizations to handle and store this data securely and in compliance with applicable data protection regulations.

Project Reference